Starting as a physiotherapist
Your certification and visa
Your NIHDI number
2. Your NIHDI number
As a physiotherapist, you need a NIHDI number. Without it, the health insurance fund cannot (partially) reimburse the cost of treatment to your patients. After you have received your certification and visa, you can submit your application for registration as a physiotherapist to the NIHDI .
Download the form from the website and mail the completed form to the NIHDI. They will check your approval and visa data and issue your personal NIHDI number.
Your obligations as a self-employed person
Make sure nothing changes when something changes
4. Make sure nothing changes when something changes
Are you unable to work for a long time due to illness or an accident ? Don't wait until the time comes, but create that extra safety net now. For example, take out guaranteed income insurance. This is a monthly extra payment that you receive in addition to your health insurance benefit.
Your pension may seem a long way off, but know this: the statutory pension for the self-employed is often too low to maintain your standard of living. So it's not a day too soon to save extra via a (Social) VSPSS (Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-Employed) and Acerta's Life's Pension Plan - NIHDI. You use your NIHDI allowance to finance your supplementary pension. You also enjoy financial protection in the event of incapacity for work, invalidity and when you have just become a mother.
Be sure to take out professional liability insurance with civil liability as well.
Hopefully you will never need it. But if a professional error happens, you better be well insured against third-party damage.