Starting a self-employed profession
The first three steps
Your administrative obligations
Your administrative obligations as a liberal professional
Check, check, check for your first three to dos? Then it's time for administration. All this can also be easily arranged online via Acerta's platform ikwilstarten.be :
- Registration in the register of the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE)
The CBE register is a secure register that bundles data and information on Belgian companies. After your registration, you will receive your company number: a unique number with which government agencies, suppliers and customers/patients can identify your company. - A VAT number: necessary or not?
Most self-employed professions are not subject to VAT. However, it is best to double-check this with your accountant, because in some cases you are still (mixed) liable for VAT. Please note: although your VAT number is identical to your company number, you must activate this separately. In addition, we will activate your VAT number for you free of charge. - Affiliation to an accredited social insurance fund
Based on your status and income , a social insurance fund calculates how much social security contributions you have to pay every quarter. If you always pay your contribution on time, your social security such as health insurance, pension and child benefit rights are guaranteed. For this calculation, you pay an administrative cost , which is the lowest at Acerta. - Inform your health insurance fund
When you become self-employed, your status change. And you have to notify your health insurance company. This happens automatically after your registration with the enterprise office. This is not necessary if you are starting out in a secondary occupation: your social status is then arranged via your employer.
Don't forget your savings
Don't forget your savings
Thinking about retirement at the start of your career? Absolutely! With a VSPSS (Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-Employed) you will save for later, and you win today thanks to the tax benefits. Do you have to sign up with NIHDI for your self-employed profession? Then you can use your NIHDI allowance via the Acerta Life Pension Plan - RIZIV to finance your supplementary pension.
Another smart move: guaranteed income insurance. This is an extra monthly payment that you get on top of your health insurance payment if you are unable to work for an extended time. Don't you need it? Yes, you do. Because your ongoing costs are often higher than the amount you get from the health insurance fund.
Last, but certainly not least, you take out professional liability insurance with civil liability . This insurance covers the costs for mistakes which are inherent to your profession and covers the damage which you could cause to third parties during the exercise of your profession.