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The ten have reached a social agreement. What does it say?

08 June 2021

During the night of 7 to 8 June 2021, the social partners in the Group of 10 reached an agreement on four major topics: the guaranteed average minimum monthly income, end of career, overtime and supplementary pensions. The next step is to present this agreement to the government and the respective constituencies. We provide the guidelines here.

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Returning to work, what about the mobility of your employees?

08 June 2021

As of 9 June, you are allowed to organise return dates for your employees. This way they can combine their obligatory home work with a day at the office. A relief for many employees, after all, surveys by Acerta and Stepstone has indicated that 47% of Belgians would like to return to the office for a while.

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Hiring a pensioner? Here is what you need to consider

03 June 2021

Have you ever thought of hiring a pensioner? With the relaunch of cultural events and leisure activities, extra hands might come in handy.

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Wage margin 2021-2022: what's in the agreement?

06 May 2021

The government has reached an agreement on the wage margin for 2021-2022. The social partners had already thrown in the towel, leaving the ball in the government's court. This article will give you an overview of what exactly the agreement entails.

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Helping laid-off employees find a new job? Offer (voluntary) redundancy assistance

05 May 2021

Discharging an employee is never fun, but it is - especially in times of crisis - sometimes unavoidable. However, the departure does not leave employers unmoved, because more and more organizations are using voluntary redundancy assistance (outplacement).

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Why will more employees have to pay additional taxes in 2021?

29 April 2021

In 2021, more employees than usual will have to pay additional taxes. Chances are they will ask you, as an employer, about this.

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Increased well-being and better holiday planning? Consider thematic leave

15 April 2021

Due to the extra long Easter break, the number of holiday admissions rose by almost 23%. This seems a lot, but in reality it is low: the holiday share accounts for only 1.5% of the total work volume. However, your employees would benefit from good holiday planning, and so would you as an employer.

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New and extended support measures

13 April 2021

On 13 April, a law was published in the Belgian official gazette introducing a number of temporary support measures for employers and employees.

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Temporary unemployed (still) working in the crucial sectors

09 April 2021

The ongoing corona pandemic poses serious challenges for employers in the crucial sectors. Just think of the relentless pressure on caregivers or the harvest peak periods in agriculture and horticulture.

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