Launch your career as a nurse
Your visa and certification as a nurse
Your NIHDI number
Step 2: your NIHDI number
Have you received your certification and visa? Then you can now submit your application for registration as a nurse to the NIHDI. After registration you will receive a personal NIHDI number. You need this so that your patients can be (partially) reimbursed for the treatments you carry out.
Surf to the NIHDI website, download the form and mail it completed to the NIHDI. After checking your certification and visa data, they will send you your NIHDI number.
Your obligations as a self-employed person
Create your own safety net
Step 4: create your own safety net
We cannot predict when and how our lives will be turned upside down. To cope with unexpected setbacks such as an accident or long-term illness, a solid safety net is indispensable. But also for later, when you say goodbye to the care sector after many years to enjoy your retirement.
Choose guaranteed income insurance from the start. Thanks to this insurance, you will receive an extra monthly payment on top of your health insurance payment. And that comes in handy to pay for all the ongoing expenses.
Do not start as a self-employed nurse without professional liability insurance with civil liability. Hopefully you'll never need it, but if an occupational error does happen, you'd better be extra well insured.
Not compulsory, but highly recommended: a supplementary pension on top of your statutory pension and personal pension savings plan. With a (Social) VSPSS (Voluntary Supplementary Pension Scheme for the Self-Employed) you save for later and enjoy a tax benefit today. Win-win! In addition, as a self-employed person, you can also use your NIHDI allowance to finance your supplementary pension. With Acerta's Life Pension Plan - NIHDI you also benefit from financial protection in case of occupational disability, invalidity and maternity.