The ten have reached a social agreement. What does it say?
During the night of 7 to 8 June 2021, the social partners in the Group of 10 reached an agreement on four major topics: the guaranteed average minimum monthly income, end of career, overtime and supplementary pensions. The next step is to present this agreement to the government and the respective constituencies. We provide the guidelines here.
What do you want to know now already about the social agreement of 8 June?
The social partners reached agreement on these four important themes during the night of 7 to 8 June.
Phased increase of guaranteed average minimum monthly income (GAMMI)
The increase in the GAMMI will be implemented in 3 phases:
- From April 2022: + 76,28 euros gross
- From 2024 (no exact date known): + 35 euros gross
- From 2026 (no exact date known): + 35 euros gross
With regard to the steps in 2024 and 2026, the social partners ask the government for flanking measures to ensure that in net terms as much as possible is left over from the increase of the gross amount of 35 euros.
In 2028, this phased increase and its effects would be evaluated with a view to a subsequent increase.
Career end
The existing scheme of the Unemployment System with Company Allowance (SWT, formerly early retirement pension) remains in place.
SWT for companies in difficulty/restructuring is provided from age 60. Those entering SWT must remain available for work until the age of 62, or have a 42-year career.
Landing jobs are possible from the age of 55.
The 'relief overtime': more flexibility regarding overtime
The additional credit of voluntary overtime is renamed "relance overtime".
The intention is to extend the system of 120 additional voluntary hours of overtime to all companies and all sectors. This measure of 'relance overtime' would remain in place until 31/12/2022.
Equalisation of supplementary pensions for manual workers and clerical staff postponed
As expected, the deadline for the equalisation of supplementary pensions for blue and white collar workers has been postponed from 2025 to 2030.
With regard to this dossier, for future negotiations, a portion of the future wage margin of 0.1% will be allocated to this harmonisation.
Naturally, Acerta will continue to follow this social agreement closely and communicate about it, so that you can make the right decisions for your company and your people with full knowledge of the facts, and without losing any time.
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domeinverantwoordelijke kenniscentrum