Retaining staff is greatest challenge for SMEs
What are SMEs' greatest HR challenges today? Acerta, ETION and VKW Limburg asked 500 Belgian SMEs. What turns out to be the case? Not attracting but retaining employees is number one on the list of hr challenges for the second half of 2022. How do SMEs plan to keep their employees committed to their organisation? You can read about it in this blog.
Priority #1: retention
Many companies are not getting their vacancies filled, yet hiring is not the single greatest challenge for SMEs. Six out of 10 SME business leaders say employee retention (retention) is the most important HR challenge for the second half of 2022. Not entirely illogical, because by focusing on retention, you avoid having to look for (additional) new employees. After all, 'finding the right employee' ranks #2 among the greatest HR challenges.
The pillars of retention
According to SMEs, there are several actions that can help increase retention. For a majority of SMEs (63%), the focus today is already on wellbeing and motivation. 23% would like to work around that in the future. In addition, 51% focus on offering an attractive pay package (27% will focus more on this in the future), and again 51% focus on diversity equality and inclusion. And this is positive, because thanks to a broader and inclusive outlook, companies will discover new talents and become a more representative reflection of today's society. Flemish support grants will soon also be extended, which could give a further boost to inclusion policies.
Attractive salary package
Offering an attractive salary package scores high in the action areas concerning retention among SMEs. The SME work barometer reveals that SMEs rarely use a cafeteria plan, in which various benefits such as extra holidays, pension savings, a company car, etc. can be included. Only 6% of SME business leaders who bet on an attractive pay package already offer a cafeteria plan. One in four do say they are considering its introduction.
Flexible wages? This is how to do this
With a flexible pay policy, you target employee satisfaction and smoothly attract new talent. Plus: a cafeteria plan is also a viable option for SMEs. Acerta gives you the information and tools you need.

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Director Legal, Reward & opleidingen bij Acerta.