27 January 2025
These are the key mobility trends for employers

Green mobility is more important than ever. This can be seen from Acerta’s ninth annual mobility barometer.

24 May 2024
Pay transparency: from directive to policy

The European directive is set to take effect in a year and a half from now. What does this mean in practical terms for businesses and how transparent are employers already today?

25 January 2024
Mobility solutions for your employees: the bike as a favourite

A lease bike, (electric) company car or mobility budget? There are many ways to flexibly reward your employees when it comes to mobility. And you also get to achieve this in a green and sustainable manner.

29 December 2023
Budgetary measures for 2024: an overview for employers

Curious about the 2024 budgetary measures? The Programme Act that was published in today’s Belgian Official Gazette provides details of a number of budgetary measures for 2024. The changes relate to flexi jobs, the work bonus and the work resumption bonus. Read the full overview and find out what applies to you as an employer.

18 December 2023
What is new for employers in 2024?

Which major changes in laws and regulations are set to be introduced that you do well take into account as an employer? What is new on 1 January 2024 and beyond? Below is an overview of the social-legal changes that will impact your work organisation.

12 December 2023
Bonus as additional reward for performance

Rewarding your employees by paying them a bonus is a great way to stand out as an attractive employer. What kind of bonus should you offer and what are the differences?

11 October 2023
Purchasing power bonus as a little extra employee perk

After the corona bonus, at the end of 2022 the federal government decided that companies that turn a handsome profit should be allowed to pay their employees a one-off purchasing power bonus. This little extra comes in the form of consumption vouchers. Find out why it is a rewarding decision for employers to award the bonus.

19 September 2023
Leasing a bike through work has never been more popular

Company bikes are very much in evidence on our Belgian roads. As many as 25% more employees opted for a bike lease this year.

16 August 2023
(How) can your employees buy extra holidays?

What if your employees would like extra holidays on top of the agreed statutory and non-statutory holidays, and the work allows this? What are the possibilities? You can already assume that it will boost your employees’ motivation if you can respond to their requests for extra holidays. For that reason alone, it is worth looking at the options.