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Two trends that will stimulate sustainable mobility in companies

What will mobility look like in the future? According to 35% of employers, sustainable mobility is one of the most important HR themes for the next three years. This is evident from our biennial employer survey. As a result, the 'sustainable mobility' theme is second on the list of HR priorities. Just over half (54%) of these employers are already considering the mobility issue, and say they are working on it. Two trends will help shape this sustainable mobility in the coming years: government fiscal measures and hybrid working.

Trend 1: Greening of vehicle fleet through tax measures

The government plans to introduce tax measures to make company cars greener by 2026: only company cars that do not emit greenhouse gases will still be fully tax deductible. This of course has an effect on the company car fleets of Belgian companies. The larger the fleet, the greater the impact of the new tax rules. It is therefore not surprising that large companies especially are already taking steps towards a greener fleet.

The Low Emission Zones (LEZ) and the ban on diesel and petrol cars in the Brussels Capital Region from 2035 also play a part in greening up the mobility of companies. When employers start doing the math, the electric company car quickly becomes an attractive option.

Trend 2: Fewer commuter kilometres thanks to hybrid working

Hybrid working (working independent of time and location) also has an effect on employee mobility. When employees regularly work from home, fewer commute miles are also driven. Those who drive less may also opt for a different transport solution. Then the choice may be made for another type of company car, or the employees may prefer to spend their budget on an electric bicycle or public transport. A diverse range of transportation options will undoubtedly be appreciated by employees.

Employers are already working on mobility today

But what is the situation today? According to our survey, 47% of employers already encourage sustainable mobility through remuneration, with 43% indicating that they do so via electric company cars. The electric bicycle (47%) and public transport season tickets (46%) are not yet slightly more popular.

Mobility tailored to your employee

The mobility budget, the company bicycle, the electric company car... Mobility is increasingly becoming a trump card that you can play as an employer, especially in times of labour shortages. Do you already offer your employees a tailor-made mobility plan? And do you know what their specific needs are?

Our experts are ready to inform, advise and support you.

Written by

Charlotte Thijs

Senior Consultant Acerta

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