As a self-employed person, you pay your own social security contributions. How much exactly? And which entitlements do you accrue with these contributions?

13 April 2021
New and extended support measures

On 13 April, a law was published in the Belgian official gazette introducing a number of temporary support measures for employers and employees.

25 March 2021
New measures taken by the Consultation Committee

Due to the increase in the number of hospital admissions and the increase in the number of corona infections, the Consultation Committee met early today, 24 March 2021. It was decided to take an 'Easter break' for a 4-week period.

25 March 2021
Breathing space for hospitality and other closed sectors: postponement of annual holiday pay contribution

The hospitality industry in our country was closed twice since the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020. And other sectors were also forced to close their doors.

15 February 2021
Federal aid measures: expanded and extended

On Friday 12 February, the federal government decided on the support measures for employers and employees. In this blog, we provide you with an overview of the extended and new support measures that are interesting for the employer.