Efficient human resource management and strong HR policies are crucial for any organisation. Find out everything you need for a successful workforce strategy.

24 May 2024
Pay transparency: from directive to policy

The European directive is set to take effect in a year and a half from now. What does this mean in practical terms for businesses and how transparent are employers already today?

18 December 2023
What is new for employers in 2024?

Which major changes in laws and regulations are set to be introduced that you do well take into account as an employer? What is new on 1 January 2024 and beyond? Below is an overview of the social-legal changes that will impact your work organisation.

27 November 2023
2024 Employee representative elections: day X-60 is drawing near

How are the 2024 employee representative elections to be organised? What happens on day x-60 and what are your obligations as an employer? We list a number of key issues that will give you a clear picture about the further steps to be taken as a company in the run-up to the 2024 employee representative elections.

16 November 2023
The Whistleblowing Directive: deadline approaches

The European Whistleblowing Directive now also applies in Belgium. Organisations with at least 50 employees have been required to set up an internal reporting system since 15 February 2023. Does your company’s workforce range from anywhere from 50 up to 249 employees? In that case, you still have until 17 December 2023 to set up a whistleblower reporting channel.

11 October 2023
Budget agreement: which measures affect employers?

On 9 October 2023, the federal government reached an agreement on the 2024 budget. On the industrial relations front, they agreed on a number of labour market reforms which should help bring about employees working longer or returning to work, making work more rewarding and keeping the labour market competitive. These agreements are to be turned into legislation over the period ahead. Based on the information currently available to us, we are happy to already provide you with a run-down of what this could mean for you.

15 September 2023
Late to work due to traffic disruption

What if your employees arrive late to work because of traffic disruption? Are they still entitled to their wages?

14 September 2023
Profit bonus fast gaining popularity

In spite of the tough business climate, a slightly larger number of white-collar workers were paid a profit bonus this year, which also increased the average amount. This is corroborated by the scan conducted by Acerta. Which makes the profit bonus an advantageous way to reward your employees.

25 July 2023
Social elections 2024: census and reference period

Social elections will be taking place in May 2024 at organisations with at least 50 employees. To check whether that limit was exceeded, a separate calculation (counting) has to be performed, you also have to take agency workers into account, and you have to look at a certain reference period. We're happy to explain to you how to get the count right. and what to watch out for when you have temporary workers on the job.

05 July 2023
Social elections 2024: what’s new?

The 2024 social elections are gradually approaching. In preparation for this, just like every four years, legislation on social elections is being amended. The law was published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 30 June.